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Hallå! It’s been a massive month here at Atelier Fedele – between wrangling the naughty nautical and the budding Blanchett (exciting news there, but our lips are zipped for now!), I decided to: Plunge further into my current work-in-progress, here’s a sneak peek:     Launch into a complete read-through and re-edit of the manuscript for book two (exhausting!)  … Read more »

“She’d never been able to look at sparrows without a faint sickness in her stomach, but she’d long forgotten why. Until now.”

Ciao art- and book-lovers! It’s been a long while between portraits, mainly because it’s a total hoot writing and illustrating books. And painting vintage cars, of course  But earlier this year I discovered a remarkable young person who inspired me to lift my portraitist’s brush once again. I won’t tell you her name just yet, but here’s a sneak peek… Read more »

Dutch masterpieces, Nazi blackmailers, mist-filled canals and looted art!

Hello lovelies! A couple of months ago I had the pleasure of introducing you to journalist and art historian Jennifer S. Alderson, author of The Lover’s Portrait, an art mystery about an American art history student who finds clues to the whereabouts of a collection of masterpieces hidden somewhere in Amsterdam, secreted away in 1942 by a homosexual art dealer… Read more »

MTW2017 feat. Jerri Schlenker and “The Mystery of Sally”

  February is the month of celebrating Mystery Thriller Week 2017 – a collaboration of over two hundred authors, mystery and thriller fans, bloggers, podcasters and book enthusiasts from around the world. Last month I had the pleasure of introducing you to Jennifer S Alderson and her intriguing article about Amsterdam, Dutch masterpieces, mysterious mist-filled canals and looted art. This month, we… Read more »

MTW2017 feat. Jennifer S. Alderson and “The Lover’s Portrait”

  This month, and for something a little different, I’m chuffed to share with you a little event I’m part of – Mystery Thriller Week 2017 – a collaboration of over two hundred authors, mystery and thriller fans, bloggers, podcasters and book enthusiasts from around the world. Now, of course, you can guess that my personal favourites would be psychological… Read more »

“A dirty book is rarely dusty” – Anon.

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This month, in my last post for 2016, I’m going a bit fangirl over this artist: CINDY LANE. Now, I’m not going to repeat what you’ll find in Cindy’s bio: about her studio in Perth, right beside the Indian Ocean, and her stunning portrayals of beaches and oceans and every living thing. I’m not going to rave about the incredible… Read more »

“His banter and tomfoolery charmed and disarmed the unwary, drawing his victims in.”

Hello lovelies, A few international artists (204 to be precise) joined forces (like superheroes!) and created something really small in support of something REALLY BIG! I’m so privileged to be part of “A Small World” International Art Show for Cancer Research – these are postcard sized paintings 10cm x 15cm (or 4″ x 6″ for you Imperials) – and this is your chance to… Read more »

“It was the Irish accent which stopped my breath.”

Hi all! Can you believe it’s been a year since the release of The Red Door? As Annie would have said: ‘Bollocks!’ and as Claudia would have said: ‘Durr!’ I know I’ve thanked everyone via Facebook and Instagram, but I’m going to do it again. THANK YOU to every single person who came to the launch, bought an ebook (or… Read more »

That stuff I’m writing? They’re calling it Urban Noir.

  That stuff I’m writing? They’re calling it Urban Noir. Who knew? But that’s what the wise ones from Hachette Australia told me … and I suppose they oughta know! Urban noir in urban Sydney. Here’s a bit more: “Every day, Gordana found new ways to avoid her husband. She didn’t think she could stand any more of his whinging about… Read more »

Hallå everyone! Happy last day of winter!

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Hallå everyone! Happy last day of winter … the winter during which I’ve been painting furiously for an upcoming art show and totally ignoring the First Draft of the Manuscript for Book Two. I can pinpoint the day I left the manuscript exactly … the thirty first of May … ‘twas that day I backed up the document, put a spare copy onto… Read more »