Sketching Claudia
Sketching Claudia, one of my lead characters in The Red Door.
Sketching Claudia, one of my lead characters in The Red Door.
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Another audacious abstract from The Red Door Rxx
THANK YOU! For exceeding my bandwidth! So, I just found out from my trusty techo that you, darling followers, have made so many visits to my site that it simply could not cope … and crashed! That’s good, right? All I can say is a great big THANKS for showing so much interest in my little story. And I’ll… Read more »
The inspiration behind grand old ‘Margarita House’ in #thereddoor #thriller #mystery #glebe #oldarchitecture #history
Heritage walk of Glebe, showing friends the inspiration behind #thereddoor #amediting #amwriting #WANA #thriller #mystery